Saturday night always finds me doing the last minute preparation for tomorrow. Sometimes I read about other pastors who finish their sermon work by Thursday or Friday. They just review their efforts on Saturday. Sigh, that is so not me. Maybe in a few years when my daughter is in college that may be possible. It just isn't going to be a reality now. Also, there are too many occasions when God gave me some really cool idea on a Saturday. This does not mean that my messages are what we call in the business "Saturday night specials." Those are sermons not even started until that night. I am way ahead of that train. It would be way too painful if it ran me over.
I usually come to the office most nights to read and think. It is usually after 10:00 when everyone else goes to bed. During the day when I am in the office I want my door open. Again, some pastors close their doors or hide out during the day to study. It is just better for me to try to leave my doors open unless there is something that just cries for my attention. At night it is still and quiet. Here I can process the day or open up books to research. This just works for me.
So for the next hour or so I will be going over all I collected this week. Some of the events of the previous week may find its way into what I say tomorrow. Some of what occurred will remain between me and God. I may even spend some time thinking about material for the blog. There is one idea working its way up about our new President. One of the days will probably say more about our 40 Days of Love experiment. Perhaps there will be a day or two to say things that will break up the routine here. In the end, this is my last time to get myself ready for Sunday. I pray you are doing the same.
Bro. Trey
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