It's the small stuff in life that can either trip you up or serve as a bridge to bigger and better things. We will let that be our lesson for the day. Nothing huge happened today but it was a string of small things that added up to the conclusion. Someone once said, "a Christian who is good at small things is no small Christian." There were absolutely on target with that one. We tend to miss some of what God is doing from being so focused on the huge events of life. You need to remember that God is in the small, quiet voice as much as He is in the loud whirlwind times of life. You may find life becomes much larger as you remain open to that.
My wife and daughter started my day locking their keys up in the car while doing a doctor visit. This meant an early and also fast trip to another town to deliver the replacement. It was just a simple mistake of clicking a button that prevented them from continuing on their day. There was also another stop at the hospital for me to check on people. One experienced an unspeakable tragedy of epic proportions. The other is struggling with the eventual advancement of aging. If memory serves, there were no great pieces of wisdom to impart but my just being there was the small thing. A commercial ran tonight which happens to be one of my new favorites. It is for a beverage we cannot mention seeing as Baptists might be a tad perturbed with the reference. The point is that it says it is based in Mexico. Even the name of the beverage is in Spanish. Yet I noticed the small print at the bottom of the television screen that says it originates in New York state! This just seems unnatural to me. Again, this proves that noticing the fine print of life can tell you something.
Who was it that said, "most men live lives of quiet desperation?" Whoever it was knew something about human nature. We do tend to just wait for big things in life without any value for the small. Ever notice when someone does something really big and dumb that it usually begins with acts of smaller stupidity? Very few people just choose to really mess up life without having a reservoir of past mistakes of the tiny variety. Adam and Eve did not just decide to fail God's one request without having made one of two little acts of self interest. David did not just choose on the spur of the moment to make a mess of his world without getting warmed up by doing smaller dumb things. We could tell you of some of my own experiences but maybe you can get the point without that.
However, the same can be said of making successful choices. When we are doing the small things right then we will probably live a big life with God. A golf swing looks like one fluid motion but it is comprised of several small movements in those few seconds. A baseball player does not just approach hitting with any real hope if he chooses to just hack or flail away at pitches. As we put the areas of our life under God's control we will find it affects all of our world. It is just how God operates within us. You decide to do God's best step by step and soon you can be moving consistently in His direction. Now this is not easy but it is that simple. My hope is you will reflect on the smaller areas of your world to see if you are in charge or if you allow God to fill each place in life with His presence. Try it. Who knows, you may like it.
Bro. Trey
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