Most people who know me or read this blog know how technology is just not my thing. Computers are way past my intelligence unless it is just hunting and clicking. If someone starts talking about the workings of technology they also will notice how my eyes glaze over. All of this is truly fascinating but I missed out on much of the information to understand its workings. My first awareness of a computer was years ago when they were barely in the infancy stage. It was about fifteen years later before one actually resided in my house. I had to take college classes just to begin to make any sense of how to use the machine. My skills are not much improved from those days. No one can doubt how significant these devices are now for daily life. We moved from personal computers to cell phones to other things that occupy our time. You just cannot imagine a world without all of this.
One of the driving forces behind our digital age died tonight. Steve Jobs founded Apple company back in the 1970s. It is amazing to watch or read the stories about his life. He was once let go by his original company only to return years later to save it from failure. There is no part of this computing age that does not bear his imprint in some form or fashion. Most people use a cell phone that is either one of his creations or similar to it. Many now use devices that can manage their life from a small pad. Even the use of a computer mouse can be traced to his innovation. Cancer and all of its symptoms finally caught up with him. I really hate this disease. But there is one upside to this story. Cancer may take a physical life but it cannot extinguish how a person lives.
If you read or watch stories on this man then one thing you will notice is how he makes an effect on our modern world. Technology owes him a huge debt of gratitude. I found it interesting that one of his motivations was to make all of this information easier to use for the average human being. You no longer need a college degree in science to use the average computer or other device. Most of what we take for granted on the modern computer is an invention of his. This is one of those rare individuals whose contribution to life or culture will be felt for decades. He once said that people are born to make a dent on the universe. I may not understand all of what he did in the technical sense but I can see how he made a dent.
My mind wonders why we as believers do not make our marks with life. I fully realize that not all of us are meant to be as big as Steve Jobs. But it seems to me that our life can still count as it helps others be better. Not all of us can lead big corporations but we can still matter to others. We may not get world wide attention upon our passing but we can still leave a legacy behind. Ours is the great gift of the Holy Spirit to make up for what we lack. Ours is a divine calling that starts upon our following Jesus. God knows that not all of us may be as famous as this pioneer but He intends for our life to count to eternity. I mourn Jobs passing for his family and his legacy. I also mourn how ever many legacies were not given because followers of Jesus resisted that call to follow Him. How much of what God is doing in our world would cease if you died? It's a good question that challenges us for an answer.
Bro. Trey
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