Today marks the return of the blog. It sounds a bit like a movie monster sequel but it's not. I took a long break after dealing with some blog issues that I won't go into. The only thing to be said is that no two people seem to read things the same way that I write them. It seemed that the best answer was to just let it go until it was time. My hope is this will go better after the sabbatical than it went at the time. Writing is something that I enjoy. Now I know enjoying it is far different than being good at it. Maybe we can find a happy medium between the two.
Much happened since the last time of blogging. Gas has gone insane in its price. School came to a torturous ending in June. Even I changed since my last post. It was not all easy or good at the time but God is still working. I really am not the same person that I was even two months ago. Sometimes God deals with us gently. There are times however that God tends to push us rather than nudge us into growth. In any of these times we can be assured that God's best will always outweigh the moment.
Life matters. That may not be a landmark statement but it is still true. We can live it under God's guidance or try to go it alone. We can make the most of the small moments so that the large ones become even more amazing. We can live with respect for others. We can live knowing what we do or what we don't do is important. We can opt to stay stuck in our ruts or we can let God take us where He wants us to go. We can contribute our lives and talents to assist in making God's best real in the lives of others. My hope for God's activity in your life or mine is for just that. Let's try this blog again in that spirit.
Bro. Trey
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