Today is Inauguration Day 2008. Millions are celebrating the new President today. Every news network is going almost 24 hours in coverage. They are covering even the most minuscule of moments for the new first family. It has been quite the extravaganza so far. Tomorrow reality sets in though. Here are a few thoughts on the day that are mine alone. They do not speak for anyone else but me.
To be honest, I did not vote for our new president. You need to know that it wasn't about anything other than my approach to government. I am one of those radicals who believes strongly in lower taxes (f0r all) as well as less government intervention. I do believe government can do good things. I just believe the power of bureaucracy usually takes over before it reaches that point. I am neither Republican or Democrat. I am a mongrel mix of both. I am not beholden to the Christian Right or to its Left. My convictions were reached in deep thought as well as study of history. Now, I will support, pray for, and wish the best for our new leader no matter what.
Here is my one worry as a historian and a theologian. We elected a president and not a messiah. This is in no way aimed at Mr. Obama. If he is as smart as I believe that he is then he worries about overwrought expectations. He is being hailed as a great hero much like Caesar of the Roman Empire. I know this isn't from him necessarily. People tend to get wrapped up in their wishes to the point they lose sight of their hope. My worry is those on the left will become still more disenchanted than they were the past eight years. My fear is the right will try to throw obstacles to anything our president wishes to try even when they are good. Think back to the first Gulf War and the days after 9/11. Both presidents delighted in approval ratings that were unreal. Both found out that crashing back to earth is very painful. I may not agree with all of Mr. Obama's views but neither do I wish that to happen to him.
I generally like our new president. If he reads this blog and calls me over for a burger then I would be happy to go. It does not matter to me what color his skin or the fact he is a Yankee! He seems like a very confident young man who enjoys being a dad to his girls. I will not even question nor criticize any of his statements on his faith. If we are truly biblical then we will pray much for him and his family. We will ask God to grant him wisdom and humility. He may find that having the highest office in the land is not near the same as wanting it. And so may God bless the president and the people of the United States.
Bro. Trey
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