Welcome to the first official day of summer break 2009. Things are kicking off with a bang for sure. Our church starts Vacation Bible School today. This year we are up against a few other activities in our area. There is summer school going on for those needing to catch up from the past academic year. Sports camp starts today also at our high school. Life is changing fast from the slow going summers we once knew. It's my hope that we still have a great week no matter the obstacles.
Normally there is a post for the blog on Sunday nights. This week not only do we have the VBS but we also had a death in the church family. Time was spent last night visiting with the family so we missed the usual writing time. We will probably write more short notes here during this week. Perhaps along the way, we can stumble on something that is deep and meaningful.
Today is also my regular checkup at the doctor. I need to leave in a few minutes to be sure of arriving on time. My biggest issue is high blood pressure that was inherited in the family genes. One can only hope that all the exercise and trying to eat right pays off. My last visit didn't go very well so let's hope for a better outcome.
Time can become more of a demand than opportunity. Between the things we like to do and those we need to do we can lose sight of the larger picture. We talked yesterday about the truth that the times are indeed in God's hands. We know the great big themes of time are viewed through the perspective of God. Our confidence is high when it comes to how God will handle the event around the second coming. Our hope may not be quite as high when it comes to daily stuff. But if we are going to trust God with our life or soul then we should also know He is interested in the daily stuff too. Do we see God's activity as an interruption to our schedule or is He always involved in our life?
Bro. Trey
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