Welcome to the traditional Sunday night post. Yes, we will try harder this week to write more. It is the end of school time where one never knows what a day will bring. Last week, it was me and the kids so there was more going on than usual. We lived to tell about it. The trip to D.C. leaves in ten days. We have the itinerary so that part is done. Looks like we all may need a vacation to recover from the trip. Before we know it, school will be done for the year. It really seems like we just started the year and it's over. Well, can't change it so might as well go along with the flow. Time does not stop for anyone.
Anyway, let's touch on something about the blog before we start the week. I tend to write from my perspective or experience. But this place was meant to be more than my thoughts on a daily basis. My hope is that we can branch out some in the days and weeks to come. To be honest, to take a different approach will do me good. It is far to easy to slip into the first person when posting here. This is a growing journey for all of us. Maybe we will try some theological stuff for a change. Sometimes we may try to condense a sermon or something down to written form. We may try some commentary type writing on news or current events of the day. There is almost always a spiritual point to the posts but we can strive to do better. But, we will have to start tomorrow.
Tonight was something totally new in my years of parenting. I do my own ironing most times. Guess that makes me paranoid or obsessive about how clothes look. This started for me many years ago. Yes, sometimes even my blue jeans get a press. How weird does that make me sound? But tonight I ironed a shirt for my son. It is a blue oxford dress up shirt. He is wearing it to a prom tomorrow in a nearby town. This is his first experience at wearing "Sunday clothes" for any occasion. Is it possible to have serious feelings wash over you while pressing a shirt? Here is my little man getting up tomorrow to get dressed with shirt and tie to go to a prom. There will be other special education students from around the area there. Some of our high school girls are going along for the ride. I got word tonight that they are trying to get a limo for part of the day. Even I never rode in a limo before! This should be an interesting day.
Yes, it is my hope to drive over for at least some of the party. And yes, there will be pictures taken just like at any prom. Can't wait to see if dancing occurs. My little man can be quite the dancer when the mood hits. Let's hope that my lack of dancing skills do not go on display. Trust me, it would clear the floor real fast. It's not that dancing is against my religion as a Baptist. It is that God gave me absolutely no rhythm in this body. Just my luck the disco era came and went fast while growing up.
So we will do better with varied topics here. But first, I need to go iron my blue shirt. Can't let my little guy look too much better than me!
Bro. Trey
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