
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

It seems like there was a good idea at one time tonight for blogging. To be honest, I cannot for the life of me remember what it was. This type of thing happens more and more to me as the aging process kicks in high gear. Perhaps the best thing is to just keep typing until the brain kicks in again. One of the great secrets to success in life is to just fake it until you remember what you are doing. Sometimes just doing that may be good enough to get through a tough spot.

I think that my topic was going to be on my most pressing goal. With any luck, I will complete at least 150 miles of my run/walk by next Monday. Since Memorial Day my total mileage is at 144 miles now. My main obstacle is the schedule at the school for football games. Tomorrow is probably out of question because of games that begin about 5:00 in the afternoon. This leaves me Friday, Sunday and Monday to finish my quest. Now I know that 150 miles really is not that far when spread out over 3 1/2 months but it is a small accomplishment. About two weeks ago was the discovery that it was in reach. Some avid runners do 150 miles in less than a month but if you see me then you know that avid does not describe me. Some days my body does feel good enough to at least not embarrass myself while circling the track. Today, my legs were screaming with each step. Still, it was another day of activity that experts say will pay off in the long run.

One of my first blog posts of 2009 deals with this area of discipline in life. My thought process was something about if we can be so disciplined in some areas of life then why can we not carry it over to our spiritual life? Reaching my small goal will please me no end. But how do I do with things that build up my eternal health? Let me honest to say that my fear is there is much improvement for me in that niche. Believe me when you read that my schedule is often altered to get in the run/walk or some other exercise. But sadly let me tell you that it is less often arranged in the spiritual discipline of life. This is not something that makes me feel very proud.

We are now 2/3 of the way through 2009. There is still hope along with room to get better. Like much in life, that decision remains up to me. Lately the realities of life serve to move me to praying more than usual. You cannot attempt to walk with a family in a life changing loss without looking for divine help. There is even some improvement in financial stewardship for me to report. God does tend to bless those who give back to Him. Most of my time the last two weeks is being spent with others in conversation rather than just being in the office. This time is invaluable in sharing the burdens with others. It also is a tremendous aid in reflecting on my particular journey in this world. But it is with a wistful sigh that there are still places in my life that can stand improvement.

My hope is whoever stumbles across this blog might think through the difference between just faking it and authentic life construction. Again, we more often than not are responsible for the choices we make. We can choose to develop habits that lead to Christ likeness or we can decide to just do nothing. Let's hope that we have the wisdom to choose wisely.

Bro. Trey