
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Due to the late hour this will be a short post.  Most of the day was wrapped up with political conversation about the health care ruling by our Supreme Court.  I am one who disagrees in principle with the decision despite finding some good things in the law.  Not every part of the legislation is bad.  Just count me one who believes that government sanctioning of health care cannot be a good idea.  You may know my view that any bill that covers 2000 pages cannot be a good thing.  But now we have to live with it until it is repealed or improved.  Either option is fine by me.

Even some of our Baptist bloggers weighed in on this outcome.  You know that a conservative approach is the norm in our denomination.  There will be others who view this differently.  It will be curious to watch this election unfold.  Each side is already making the case for their argument.  The court ruled this mandate to be a tax.  How the President deals with this should be humorous in its words.  How the Republican candidate will be equally strange as he led the state he served as Governor to adopt a similar system.  This will make for a fascinating debate over the next four months.  

My dad is a doctor as you may know should you read here often.  So my views on health care are deeply affected by those experiences.  To have no regulations would be unhealthy in regards to insurance and the like.  But to have too much government involvement is just as dangerous.  I doubt that our founding fathers ever dreamed of such a conversation.  History says we went nearly 200 years finding our own way through life.  The last seventy years or so is when we see all of these government programs coming into existence.  There are those who would swear such things are near sainthood.  Others will talk of them as right from the source of evil.  We have to deal with them now no matter their origin.  

I will probably turn off my television from cable news for a while.  All of the shouting gives me a headache.  Then it would be off to the doctor and a trip through the health care maze.  How good can that be now?

Bro. Trey