
Sunday, June 17, 2012

I could start by saying once again that summer is here.  But why restate the obvious?  It doesn't help matters for me when my youngest is already making plans for the fall holidays.  He is even starting a Christmas list.  This seems a bit out of place with the heat but you cannot say he is going to be unprepared.  Everyone was gone this weekend to check on my mother in law.  She is recovering from shoulder surgery.  Let me go ahead and admit to enjoying the peace and quiet for awhile.  But let me add it is always a good thing when they wander back home.  Me and the dogs just did our thing this weekend.  They are still not a week old but are growing some.  Maybe it didn't make last week's blog that my dog had puppies?  I remember writing more on theology so perhaps there was no formal birth announcement.  My dog made me a grandfather Tuesday morning.  All are doing well.

My brain just can't take another night of deep theology.  Feels like it wilted this afternoon while getting my running done.  Even the heat cannot keep me away from getting out on a Sunday.  Most times it helps me clear my head.  Today it just kinda fried what brain cells that are left.  It was also a busier day than usual around here.  My mind and body both feel their age.  My morning efforts were way off today.  One of those times when I cannot pin down a specific reason for it.  The material was solid but I just hit a single rather than a home run.  We are still talking about faith in the mornings.  I am grateful for new discoveries being made during my research.  Tonight was probably another single since I am still recovering.  Looks like my Sunday treks may need some tapering so the body holds up.  At least I can still do that after all this time.  

There was way too much stuff going on last week around here.  My definition of stuff is about all of the small things that can hamper our devotional life.  We get swept up in just getting through a day to the point we forget the larger purposes of life.  Most of our struggles do not come from grand encounters with evil.  We just get occupied paying bills and other routine tasks.  We talked about Simon Peter going out on the water to walk with Jesus.  Remember that he sees the sea in an uproar then panics.  Most of us are in similar situations but our vision moves from Jesus to the stuff.  One books said we shouldn't sweat the small stuff.  But it can overtake us if we do not pay attention.  It's hard to conceive of great spiritual destinies when we are dealing with puppies, family, work and the sort.  Here is where we need to watch closely over our heart so it does not get distracted.  

Our small stuff often looks very large through our eyes.  It is not that we have to deny that reality but we can recall God's presence in it all.  Jesus will remind those disciples inside and outside the boat that He is enough to handle life.  It may very well be that some of the small stuff is a divine invitation to see God in our normal chaos.  We do allow the usual ingredients of life to interfere with His desires.  Take time this week to observe your attitudes day by day.  Are you missing what God wants to do whether small or large because of our focus?  See how God works not just in the huge moments that challenge our faith.  See what He can do with the average or normal.  You may find your life becoming larger right there in the midst.

Bro. Trey