Here are a few random thoughts running through my mind on this chilly Sunday evening.
- I am sure glad none of my time last week was spent filling out a NCAA tournament bracket. My guess was there would be far too many upsets to really do much good. Looks like my limited predictive skills were right on target. One can only wonder on how much money this year was bet then already lost after the first weekend.
- Lots of hand wringing is already going on about the Supreme Court hearing a case on marriage as it affects gay people. Those on the left are breathless about stating their case. Many on the right are all afraid the court may rule against their desires. Odds are good no one will be happy with their ultimate decision. No doubt we can and should pray for God's best but remember that His will cannot be legislated away or ruled out of order.
- We do get comfortable with spring before winter releases us from its grip. Thank goodness for the rain yesterday to wash away some pollen. Now we deal with the reminder how what wind can do to cold air. People who live north of us have one more snow to endure. Just be sure we will complain about the heat before long.
- Palm Sunday went better than expected here. Let me be the first to credit God for that fact. That doesn't mean lots of good people didn't also help make it a reality. We will someday figure out that God enjoys working through people just like us. All of our flawed features does not eliminate us from being useful. What it does do is render some as interested listeners not faithful disciples.
- Parenting a special needs child can still have unique stress as a part of living. You can never imagine it is all figured out as the questions can change without warning.
- The week prior to Easter is a perfect time for extra reading or reflection. Some will miss that by simply being distracted by the preparations. Some may forfeit the opportunity by a denial of needing God's grace. One can only hope we do better this year than any other time. The message of Easter never goes out of style. It is simple yet complex at the same time. Let's find both sides of that equation this year.
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