
Sunday, February 10, 2013

You knew could be a memorable day by the sounds of the storms passing through our area.  I did not serve in the military but cannot imagine the noise level of the thunder being any greater than incoming cannon fire.  My one prayer was for the power to remain on so my youngest would not pace until its return.  That prayer was answered.  Sunshine was beginning to break through the clouds by the time I headed for church.  Torrential rain gave way to a decent day in terms of the weather.  It also turned out to be a good day all around.

We had our two guest speakers today.  One is a foreign missionary who works with groups in the darkest parts of Brazil and Peru.  His slides were stunning as they appeared to capture people who haven't moved into our contemporary age.  These tribes still live in grass huts with no idea about our common technology.  We then heard a state missionary from Laredo, Texas this evening.  We saw images of life in our country that seemed much more fitting to life in Mexico.  Both of these men are seeing God at work in remarkable ways.  Impossible would seem to be a word neither of them use in their settings.  It was a good thing to be able to sit back to absorb the messages.  Let me note a few thoughts that crossed my mind today. 

  • God really doesn't need a lot of fancy stuff to make a miracle.  We tend to get caught up in our technology and such until we neglect the divine aspect of mission.
  • We tend to see our world in terms of our American upbringing.  The temptation is to forget there is a world beyond ours.  God does have a heart for all people including those we do not think often about.
  • People first need a relationship with God for wholeness.  But there are many avenues or ways to meet their other needs to introduce them to faith.  The limits are only determined by the needs of the people.
  • Mission is too often thwarted by the negative person or the critic.  Our best efforts at courageously following Jesus get dashed by those who do not and will not ever understand.  Even the ministry of Jesus met head on with detractors of all types.
  • Once there is a growing change of heart by those who are followers of Jesus then you can expect society to change.  History records several great revival movements that did more than fill the pews at church.  God changed a community as people joined Him at work.  It sounds simple but is never going to be easy.
Taking a Sunday off from preaching can be a good thing. It was for me today. Getting to listen as God speaks always builds character.  I know that God is working in even the worst places one can imagine.  It tells me there is always hope for His working even here. 

Bro. Trey