
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Greetings again from Minnesota. Had to stop and write a few thoughts on one of the headlines today. Seems Mel Gibson went and got himself a DUI the other night. Yes, it's the same Mel who did "The Passion of the Christ." It is the same Mel who appeared in churches and on relgious television before the release of his film. Now I do not think the DUI changes the impact of that movie. It is still the most realistic depiction of the last hours of Jesus ever presented. I do not even bear any ill will towards Mel in this last arrest. Mel does not know me nor do I imagine ever meeting him. My real problem is in thinking back into how conservative Christians tried to wrap him up in our causes. One might think he was an evangelical believer rather than a hollywood icon the way we acted. Will the same ones who could not resist making such a fuss over him now look the other way? Believe me, I do hope he gets help with his problems. I would have no hesitation in thinking of him as another follower with private demons not yet exorcised. But we in the church cannot keep thinking that latching onto the coattails of the famous will do God's work for us. Jesus told us the way to change the world was one life at a time through the mission of His church. Yet, we keep trying to manipulate politics and even the media into our tools of evangelism. We the people are the only tools Jesus said could accomplish His purpose. This is why in one sense I am not overly worried about the effects of this arrest. God's plan has not changed nor failed even if Mel has. His plan only fails if we choose not to carry on with it.

Bro. Trey