
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

We are now two days into VBS. So far, we haven't lost a child yet! The week is not over yet, but I would say odds are good that we will not misplace a one. Seriously, I really enjoy this week. There are sounds and smells that we will not have the rest of the year. Children's voices echo throughout the hallways. Laughter is inside and out during recreation. Coffee aroma drifts down in the building from our teachers going for that second wind. Music comes from our kids learning new songs. VBS may be wild but it is always worth it.

I tend to wander a lot during the week. Nothing is better than watching students stick their feet in icy water to retrieve marbles. If you never get the opportunity to share a snack with 4-5 year olds then you miss a great time. Today I rocked one of our favorites to sleep back in the nursery. Guess those dad skills don't go away with time. Seeing the whole school at work is an amazing thing. Our directors, teachers and helpers are doing excellent work. We should all be proud of them.

VBS is what church is all about. It's about taking chances. It's about risking failure only to find success. It's about doing the unusual just so we touch a life. I would wish that we could use this same creativity on a regular basis. Far too often we just do the same thing over and over. Is it no wonder that we see the same results? Pray much for this week. Pray that on Friday night we open our doors to parents who are receptive to our Lord. Make your schedule to be here on that night at 6:30 to meet and greet families that are outside our church. Ask God to pour Himself out among us. Thank you to everyone who is making this a great week.

Bro. Trey