
Sunday, May 20, 2007

Looks like my blog is still here after almost a month away. It's a small wonder the website didn't throw me out after awhile. If anyone reads the blog then you should know this is usually a busy time around the house. When you add various crises that multiplied over the last few weeks then there is even less time. We will continue to hold out hope that the blog entries will pick up over the next week. This is a common problem to superheroes and ministers who blog. We get so wound up saving the world that we forget to detail the adventures!

Saving the world sure isn't as easy as it once was. Linus from Peanuts speaks of my frustration when he says, "I love mankind, it's the people I'm not so sure about." Yet, people are now and always will be at the heart of church work. My hope is someday that we will discover we are frail, sinful humans at best. When we understand that then we finally open up for the unlimited power of God's grace to run rampant among us. Until then we will excuse the sin in our life as a personality quirk or worse. Some people will behave in horrific fashion while defending their right to sin. Church is the place our personality should be marked most by the fruit of the Spirit. Here is where we can see God do His most intriguing work.

We can take today as a perfect example of how God operates. There are those who tend to be critical of the local church. Today we spent time focusing on almost every age group between the cradle and the grave. We recognized both graduating seniors as well as senior adults during the morning. Where else can families come together like that to enjoy how good God can be? Then this afternoon went even better with my run at the school. Please do not mistake my running as anything remotely attractive. At my age, the goal is survival not setting records. The evening concluded with our preschool graduation where about twenty adorable children displayed their talents for us. How amazing that we can participate is such variety on any given Sunday? This is part of the marvel of being church. We share life together.

Thank God for church. We may not be perfect but we are in relationships with One who is. This is the core of who we are. Our relationships deepen over time. Our lives are shaped by the experiences shared with one another. We learn about keeping our promises to God. We succeed together as well as stumble together. We become better than we are alone. Thank goodness God doesn't write off His people. Let's show the same faith this week.

Bro. Trey