Text messaging is the language of the present as well as the future. My daughter dragged me into it even though you can call me technologically inept. It is when you use the keys on your cell phone to type out messages to others. Teenagers may be able to text message even better than handwriting or typing. Go to any school function and watch teenagers bent over their phones typing in coded messages to each other. Look at them after school headed to the bus or to their cars as they read the messages left for them during the day. My first entries into this new world of language were laughable to say the least. Over the last few weeks my ability is showing improvement. It began using messages already loaded into my phone. Now my original notes make some sense to my daughter when sent.
My education over the years included the English, French, and Greek languages. Now it seems there is yet another to be learned. The typing is still slow. One problem is my fingers are not made for the small keys. Plus, there are short cuts to the words so you don't type too much to send to someone. This means that text messaging comes with its own language. There are also rules to interpret those messages to avoid being confused. No one wants to get the wrong idea from a text message. This is the time we live in now. How we adjust could be a matter of survival or at the least avoiding embarrassment!
The application is about praying. We have unlimited resources to communicate with others. Our Father said to talk to Him only takes praying. It does not even matter what language you use when you pray. God doesn't ask us to assume that "holy tone" when we talk to Him. Our everyday voice works just fine with God. Can you imagine if we talked to our Father as much as we text messaged? By the way, He will not respond in a language beyond our understanding. He may answer us directly if we care to listen. He may speak to us through scripture if we make the time to read. He may even say something to us as we converse with others if our heart stays open to Him. So far, my experience says that He probably wont send a text message to our cell phones. But who knows if He won't just do that? If God spoke through a donkey in the Old Testament, He may be saving some more unusual ways to get our attention. The ultimate point of prayer is not just in our talking but also in our listening. So check your cell phone, maybe God is going to answer your prayer in a text!
Bro. Trey
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