Another Sunday evening with the day behind me. I really look forward to Sunday nights. To be able to blog means I lived through another day. Add to the normal routine of Sunday is the fact my body is still in shock over the time change. Seems like we barely get used to one set of time before it changes back to another. It usually takes me a few days at the least to adjust to the new time. Odds are good that there will be a few naps the first part of the week. With school beginning again tomorrow there will at least be a decent opportunity to get back in the routine.
For a few days there has been a constant nudging to let you know something of my routine. I realize that the number of readers here may be few but it might help to put it in public view. When church is over on Sunday night the best thing I can do is to do nothing. My week lays out something like a football coach would approach it. Sunday becomes "game day" where all the preparation of the week is used. Mondays and Tuesdays are the days to recover as well as tackle things that need attention. For example, tomorrow I really need to do some pastoral care through visits or other contact. Spring break set me back in my schedule of keeping up with some in need. There are some other church issues that will call for my attention. By Wednesday my mind is ready to become more serious on what I feel led to say the following Sunday. Through the week I read and reflect on scripture to get a sense of what needs further study. The sermon outline is developed on Thursday night to be printed in the bulletin for Sunday. Now there are two days at a minimum to finish putting it all together. That is not all I do toward the end of the week but it is the thing that gets my greatest attention.
Time can easily be our greatest resource as well as our largest foe. What I wrote above is just a scratch in the surface of the average week. There are usually meetings to attend. There can be emergencies where I need to go make a visit. There is the wandering around time that is important when I catch up with people when we cross paths. The more time we spend thinking about time could just send us over the edge! We are told to redeem the time as followers of Jesus but we get around to counting up where it goes. You and I have the exact same amount of time every day. It is the same amount of time Jesus lived with on a daily basis. There is so much left out of this post related to time. Perhaps more can be said on another day...when there is more time!
Bro. Trey
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