Tonight? Well, tonight is a bit odd. There probably isn't a better way to describe my feelings or thoughts. Sometimes it just happens to me. Every so often life can be rocking along when it feels out of sorts. Sometimes there are events that occur that lead to those feelings of melancholy. Tonight really isn't melancholy though it is a close adjective. Perhaps it is best to say tonight just is. No doubt there are more than a few people willing to fill in the blanks.
My youngest has been home the last three days sick as I reported. He is improving and may try going to school tomorrow. You should know that my life is better when he is around. God in His wisdom opted to grant me an autistic son. Sometimes there are those questions of how life would be if he were "normal." Probably more than a few people at church or out in the community would be content if he were that way. But in the end, he is who he is. And that makes me who I am.
So we cleaned out these two rooms at the house. He played games while it was left to me to trash, file or pack away stuff from the last eight years. We did our parts well. Clothes and other stuff was found that had gone missing for awhile. He may have a whole new wardrobe now. It's not easy dealing with all the accumulation of stuff over time. You have to face it in order to know what to do with it. He did not appreciate my efforts near as much as I. He didn't know I wanted the best for him in his domain called his room. He just saw dad rummaging around while he tried to make sure Mario won his game. But he needed the cleaning and so did I.
Melancholy may be the best word for the night. It won't be the last word though. David the king knew full well about being down emotionally. He also knew that the morning offered new joy. Jesus knew his disciples would wrestle with melancholy during those last hours of His life. He knew that a better day was coming. It would be healthy for believers to know these times may come. It isn't really any one's fault. Maybe it is just the result of an overbooked life. That's ok. What concerns me is far fewer believers grasp that the joy is possible. Even should your problems be deep or complicated there is reason for hope. God is still far bigger and better than the issues.
And so tomorrow we will hope for a more "peppy" post. Tonight, we will just cling to what matters eternally and wait for the dawn of God's new day.
Bro. Trey
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