
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Change is one of those topics that once you begin there are all manner of ideas that come about. You may not consider the subject to be that complex. You may not even choose to dwell on it at all. Perhaps you are like the great historical site Stonehenge. You haven't moved in years and don't intend to move at all. You may not even be aware that you change no matter how much you resist. Aging in itself means that you change. Some people actually say out loud that they refuse to differ one bit in the future from where they are now. Resistance is futile not only in science fiction but in facing change.

Let me just clean up a few statements here. First, not all change is good. There is a line of thought that seems to want nothing but new and different. But not every time change occurs is it positive. Be careful of buying into that approach. You may find that change can sometimes be unpleasant. Second, everyone is resistant to change in some form or fashion. In the local congregation it is the norm to point fingers at long term members as being the main obstacle. That is terribly unfair for several reasons. Is the one making the accusation willing to change for the benefit of everyone or just a select few? Do those who desire the different take into account the outcome of change? No one is immune to the anxiety of real change. Third, sometimes what we call change is just an old idea dressed up for a new day. Very few people truly carry the creative gene in their life. Most of us just adapt what others initiate so we can call it our own. Last, the change of one person does not make them better than another. The goal of authentic change is to be more of who God wired us to be. That goal never presumes arrogance against another.

Today you need to remember that some change is slow while at other times it takes our breath away. True maturity involves every single aspect of our life. No dimension of our existence is left out in the process of growth. It can take time to unlearn the old stuff before really moving into new attitudes or actions. You may find that God is more interested in laying a solid foundation than in just making a public splash. There will be times in your life you need more reflection on how your growth affects your relationships. Let me remind you of a sad but very real truth. Should you opt to mature as God changes you there may be those closest to you that do not applaud. It is then you find out if your heart is solely on God or if it is centered elsewhere.

I have to remind myself often that only I can choose much of the change in life. No, I cannot pick out all the technological advances in science. I may not be able to control political differences that go on in our world. I may not be able to dictate the relationships that make up my life. However, there is one choice left with me. That is the choice to face life with God's presence to both anchor and alter me. Thinking so much about change is making my brain hurt. Perhaps we will return to the issue of change tomorrow. Or it may be that we...change?

Bro. Trey