And a happy Wednesday to you today! Here we are in February with April weather. One thing about East Texas that is constant is weather that surprises you. In Minnesota they say there are two seasons, winter and road repair. The opposite is true here in our corner of the world. Here we have summer and road repair. Most Baptist churches will have the occasional amen that is heard during a service. Here you can hear sniffles, coughing and other allergy related noises. We don't always say amen, sometimes we just honk.
So today I decided to get some road work in at the school. Sunday was a good running day with me getting in about 3 miles. Yes, there is still some walking involved but my plan is for that to be less each time. The sun is out bright today so it seemed a good idea to go run/walk. So after delivering my daughter to the house I headed out to the school. Just before leaving I glanced at the weather website that I use. It said humidity was about 15%. Should someone out of this area be reading then you should know it is usually at least 7o% or above. This is more like weather in the Panhandle of Texas. My lungs are accustomed to humidity when outside. There was no a stitch of it to be found anywhere. Adding wind gusts of 25 mph or higher makes it twice as hard on this old body. My two miles today felt more like the three of Sunday.
When you are 6'2 and around 220 pounds, the wind is not your friend. There are some truly gifted athletes in our school that do not seem affected at all by the wind. When I turn into the wind it literally stops me in my tracks. A 100 yard jog/run seems more like 200 yards. Now it is completely possible that this is all in my mind or on my birth certificate. It could be that approaching 50 has more effect than the wind. Just let me keep thinking its not my age.
Breathing is important in life and in exercise. Bad things happen without it. Thankfully I finished up my track time for some stretching of these old muscles. The hot shower that is calling my name soon will help a great deal also. It costs us to be unhealthy. It also costs us to try and remain in some semblance of a physical condition. I think it was said on the blog not to long ago that my goal is to make my hip and knee replacements worth it someday. Every snap, crackle, and pop of my body reminds me to keep trying to hold on to the decent health God gave me so far.
Anyway, this is a post that doesn't really go anywhere. It is not about my whining on working out. It isn't really an attempt to encourage you to exercise. At least I can blame the lack of direction on a lack of oxygen and humidity. Tomorrow we can return to the deep and insightful material. Or tomorrow we can attempt to write some deep and significant material. For now it is time for that shower. Maybe the steam will send some oxygen to my brain for the rest of the night. Now that would be different!
Bro. Trey
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