Easter 2009 is behind us. The day started out pretty bad with all the rain and storms. More than a few people mentioned coming late due to the way the clouds looked. My son and I stayed home a few minutes just to let the hard rain pass us by. This could be one reason we didn't fill the building as we normally do. Also, we have more than a few families who went out of town to visit family this year. It alternates here like that. Next year it may be wall to wall as families come here to visit. We won't start thinking about that just yet though. It's probably good just to sit back to relax after today.
This is my ninth Easter here. I can almost recognize the families who come to visit. Many of them return every year while a few skip a year in between. The weather also could be a factor in how the morning service felt to me. We could all hear the thunder and rain as it moved back over us. Perhaps it was just me. I know the preparation for the message went well even if the delivery lacked something. I also know that I enjoyed the reflection time going into the sermon. Easter meant something to me afresh this year. My heart does hurt when the delivery of the material doesn't seem to match the background reading. We won't rehash all that because we mentioned it in the past. In the end, I am grateful to God for the things He showed me in getting ready for today.
One of the discoveries of the week comes from the gospel of Mark. It is when the women go into the empty tomb. An angel meets them there to relate the fact of Jesus being risen. Why didn't He just wait there to show off for those who were coming? We might have called all the disciples over to the cemetery for a celebration. All of those who followed Jesus would have the opportunity to see Him alive. Yet the gospel says that He was gone. His instructions through the angel is for the followers to go into Galilee to see Him there. Again, we might choose a celebration in the cemetery but Jesus has other ideas.
Mark writes of Jesus being a man of action. One teacher called his gospel "the book of the holy hurry." There were few occasions where He stayed in one place to soak up the adulation of the admirers. From start to finish, Jesus keeps moving toward a final destination. He models the way of ministry for us who follow. Recently this idea began to brew in my mind. The faithful disciple is one who stays on the go in life. Every moment is full of possibility for the spectacular. We live under His guidance with His provision for carrying out His work. We also face obstacles but we also know His power can work through us as we allow it to work in us.
We will keep it short tonight. The day was long. My mid afternoon run/walk was hard. My hope is you will move through this week not content with a celebration in a cemetery. Let's go with our Lord to see what is in store for us. The great news of Easter is more than an empty tomb. It also includes a risen Lord who just may surprise you this week. He may use you in ways you didn't expect. My prayer is that He will do just that.
Bro. Trey
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