
Thursday, December 02, 2010

I was reminded today of my illness. It's a good thing to have happen every so often. Thinking about it was already going on in my mind. No, the cancer is not back. Perhaps it is lurking somewhere in some small cells but remission continues. I participate some on an online forum specific to my disease. People write or ask questions related to what we face. There are individuals from all over the world who communicate with each other in this setting. The "leaders" of this forum are not doctors but former or current patients. Much of my learning about my cancer grew out of interacting with others with the same diagnosis. I still go daily to read some of the posts or even sometimes write my opinions.

My first personal note came this afternoon on the forum. A man in Texas is dealing with his cancer now but his is being more aggressive. The subject deals with aspects of the bone marrow biopsy most of us have during diagnosis. I discovered in my reports that any presence of cancer in my bone marrow was greatly exaggerated. Somehow that fact escaped my attention in the early days of my journey. The point is that one of my promises to God was to always be willing to do what I can to help others in their fight. Here was an opening to follow through on my decision. I responded as honestly as possible to him. I also promised to add him to my prayer list. My heart truly does want God to bless him with remission. If any facet of my journey can help another person then it is one good thing to come out of this.

This is the definition of evangelism in a nutshell. Sinners who are forgiven get to tell other sinners about God's grace in their life. We are indeed wondrously transformed by the love of God yet we can neglect sharing our story. It is even a good thing to tell other saved sinners of God's activity in our life. I like the idea that evangelism is telling others what God is doing in your life since you woke up. No one can argue with your particular story with God. You own that as your life history. Other people need to hear that there is hope even in the worst of situations. This is one of the very real gifts we can give away. You can be a channel for authentic change in others. So speak up when you get an opening. Let your grace play a role for others in need.

Bro. Trey