The computer is again giving me fits tonight. At least the thing is working now. Looks like it may be over whatever the problem was so we can try to write for a few minutes. What frustrates me is how we become dependent on technology then are totally lost when it fails. Ever tried to take a cell phone away from a teenager? You might as well fight a mother grizzly bear over one of her cubs. The truth is we adults are just as bad. What would we do without computers or cell phones? My guess is that the meltdowns would be too numerous to count. Makes me wonder if we would rethink our decisions to become so connected to the stuff we take for granted?
Maybe this ties into something that is running through my mind this evening. It came to me while doing house stuff. I wonder how many decisions would be different if I could know then what I know now. Maybe the details wouldn't have to be known but it might be nice to have some understanding beyond our years. Odds are that some career choices would be different than they were. This is not to say that where I am is a bad place. It could very well be that life would still be right here. This is also not to say that everything would be different. Many things in my current condition would hopefully remain. It would still be fascinating to see what might be altered along the way.
We will keep this short and just focus on a single issue. I would like to think my core decisions would improve if given the chance to start over. I would want to do a better job guarding my alone time with God. Let me confess to the human tendency of allowing other stuff to interrupt that part of life. I am sure there are choices made along the way that perhaps suffered from not protecting that private time. Another issue for me would be to not think of myself better than I am. Not sure pride as we think of it is a problem but perhaps having too much confidence in my abilities is a setback. I would tell any young minister or believer to prize your time alone with God. My other suggestion is to know what your gifts are but never allow that knowledge to eclipse your connection with God. You can go further by yielding to God's presence than by thinking you can handle life alone.
We are going to stop there for the night. Perhaps our next blog adventure will make the time to dig deeper in this along with other areas. My wish would be for anyone who stumbles on this blog to learn some lessons without a lot of pain.
Bro. Trey
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