Tonight seems like a good time for just some odds and ends here. Not sure my brain is clicking on all cylinders even more than usual. Big weather changes tend to do that to me. It's a long story that we will try to shorten to the basics. My daughter was ten days old when an eye doctor diagnosed me with a detached retina. We were off to Houston the same day as his announcement. Two operations followed over the next few days. My right eye was much worse which called for an extensive repair. I now have a silicone wrap around the eye along with what they call a buckle to hold everything in place. My problem is when weather shifts drastically as it did this morning. Pressure changes can make the band constrict which leads to a nice headache. I say all of this as my explanation for why my mind is under the influence of the discomfort. My brain doesn't work much anyway but the extra injury also affects it.
The big news of the day is my riding mower is repaired. News like this may not sound important but it is to me. Mowing a good acre is not something one wants to do in the heat of summer with a push mower. I did that a few years ago but that was before illness and age caught up with me. One thing I learned is my mower is already six years old. It does get quite a workout during the summer months. It is also a place where I like to ride and think. You can do much praying or thinking going round and round in the yard. Phones don't tend to ring as often when out cutting grass. Temperatures may still be very high but you miss out on the exertion that can really do a number on you. But the main thing is just being able to reflect on stuff that is going on in my world. You may even hear me singing some while mowing. No one can hear me which is a benefit for the community.
My youngest pulled off quite a feat of technological accomplishment today or last night. He hacked or broke into his sister's ITunes account. That is a place where you can download music for various gadgets. She puts music on both her computer and her phone. Anyway, the little sneaker either figured out or hacked into her account to get some songs for his device. We are quite amazed at his talents. I believe he also once figured out the computer password for his teacher. Not sure what he ended up doing there. My greatest wish for him is to develop every bit of his talents. He matters more to me than just about anything else in my world. I truly do not know what he will do as he matures. But my hope is that his talents will always overtake his limits. God wired him this way for a reason. Some of that purpose is for me as a human being. But my faith says some of it is for his own destiny. Maybe he will become a spy with those hacking skills? I am looking forward to the discovery no matter the result.
That's the news today from my corner of the world. May not be much but it does make for a full day.
Bro. Trey
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