My hope tonight was to put down words here that are creative and insightful. Looks like neither of those adjectives will be valid. I know some writers talk about getting a mental block when it comes time to do their thing. You stare at a blank piece of paper or an empty monitor waiting for something marvelous to appear. More staring usually follows with not nearly enough words. Some of this for me is probably due to not taking on a specific task while here. This is not a sports column. It is not a political column. I am not mad at anyone so it is not a place to vent. This leaves me talking either from my heart or the top of my head. Both of these motivations are usually dangerous if not limited. Maybe it is drawing near to a time of closing down the blog. All good things must come to an end. This may not be a good thing so perhaps it outlived its usefulness.
Life really is about ongoing change with how we respond making the difference. Very few people really like things to be different no matter how much we may say we want it. Someone said once that a wet baby is the only person who really likes change. We still live with constant pressure from all sorts of things changing in our life. Our news recently is focused on revolution in countries across the sea. Time will tell if this turns out to be a good thing or not. Economics will continue to drive change especially if oil prices do not decline. There again you can see how conflict in a land far away affects us in our daily life. Aging brings about the process of change. We are continually learning new limits of our physical ability as each years adds to the ones before. We have no choice in this matter. You either adjust to new reality or wind up writing checks your body cannot pay. Life happens. Change falls into the same category.
There is a very good book about how we respond in times of change. He says our problem is not with things being different but it is with the process of getting there. We struggle as the old is undone while we are moving to the new reality. Discomfort and even depression sets in as we are trying to make sense of what is happening. Transition is when we are not completely free from the past nor are we settled in the future. Present tense living is hard as we are losing old ways of coping. This really makes sense when you think about it. This idea is true for everything in your life. Not one area of human existence is beyond such turmoil. Even an unimportant blog falls under this experience.
Can you see how spiritual maturity is also included in this problem? Some people may resist or even refuse to grow simply because it can often be uncomfortable. Isaiah speaks often of God doing new things in our life. Jesus will talk to Nicodemus about a new birth. We are described as a new creation by the apostle Paul. God promises to bring about a new heaven and earth when He brings this present history to a close. Our earthly life revolves around God assisting us to become more of what He wants us to be. If we can be courageous during the transitions then we are in line for even more divine development. It's a bit like writing a blog. You just keep going even when there seems to be no point. The more you hang in there can determine how far you get in the journey. You can never find out what blessings lie ahead if you cling to the past or even the present. Keep going so God fills in the blank spaces with His purpose.
Bro. Trey
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