
Monday, August 01, 2011

Let's go in an entire different direction this evening.  Every so often it seems to be a decent idea to talk about things related to the ministry career that often go unsaid.  This does not really mean its a good idea but only that it seems like it.  One of the goals of my blog is to occasionally lay bare the thoughts or feelings of guys like me who do church work for a living.  Such honesty can be dangerous to those who prefer to avoid it but it does matter.  Ministers often write books or articles for other ministers but seldom do we remove some of the masks we wear for the general public.  So let's talk about moving in this post.  This is one of the areas of ministry no one usually discusses.

One of the girls who graduated with my daughter told me that some people figured that I would be moving soon now that college is near.  She is a great kid who I would adopt in a heartbeat.  This didn't give me much pause until someone else mentioned it since that occasion.  Makes me wonder if they know something that I don't?  There is no move in store for me as of this writing.  There is not even a hint of a move nor any signs of one coming in the near future.  Just wanted to get that out of the way whether it depresses or excites you.  Moving is not easy among us in the Baptist tribe.  I sometimes envy other denominations where moves are regular or the outcome of a higher up making the arrangements.  Methodists have this approach which usually works out for all involved.  Baptists are free agents who are at the mercy of tons of forces going into any move.  It honestly takes an act of God for one of us to move to another congregation.

One thing we deal with is the various divisions in our denomination.  You cannot really just be a good Baptist anymore.  Identifying with some element in our convention may largely determine whether or not one moves to another church.  Then you should know that some leaders or people in higher levels of work can focus on their guy getting into one congregation or the other.  I do know that some state leaders on either side of our troubles can involve themselves into the search for a new minister.  This does not mean it always happens but if it happens once then its too much.  Baptists tend to pride themselves on being independent even when choosing a new minister.  Outside influence cannot be a good thing for any involved.  This is but one of the obstacles faced today when churches are doing their search.

I have a few unique realities that affect me now should a move even become possible.  My years of experience also leave a trail of some who may not speak well of me.  Younger guys don't have as much to explain or defend.  All of my places of service were in settings of difficulty.  There was never an easy congregation for me.  I made and probably continue to make mistakes along the way.  Odds are good those things crop up along the process.  Also, now I am half a hundred years old.  The trend is now toward those young whipper snappers who are beginning their career.  Third is the issue of being a cancer survivor.  One church contacted me out of the blue last year.  I told them of being in treatment but also of being in remission.  Their worry was about my insurance.  I am still here.  Odds are very much against me making another move unless there is divine intervention.  God is welcome to do with me as He pleases but it may even be tough for Him.  My response is to just keep focus on life in the present tense until or unless He works a way to move.

We probably should come back later to clear things up from this post.  That will wait for another night.  There is one last suggestion to give you.  If you want your minister to leave don't be mean about it.  Pray that God will so bless him that another congregation will take him.  You will be able to live with obedience rather than negative emotion.  God will take care of the rest. 

Bro. Trey