
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Wow. What a day.  That is about all you can say about today.  It started out wild and didn't slow down until the very end.  Don't think that it was a bad day.  It was fun but hectic.  Those kinds of days were much easier when I was younger.  Now my body doesn't realize what hit it until long after the initial contact.  I got to baptize a young girl this morning.  She is adorably cute which adds to it when she giggles all the way out of the water.  Staying in the water was probably a good idea since we were down to one air conditioner unit in the main building.  The end of July is no time to suffer a cooling malfunction.  Let's hope it is in working order prior to next Sunday.  We may have to bring in fans from the local funeral home if repairs fall short.

What can you say about the weather other than what is being said everyday.  I remember the summer of 1980 when temperatures were much like this.  Little can be done other than to be careful when outside.  My common sense even kicks in during times like this.  Perhaps there is little of that left for me but it still works on occasion.  The heat is much like a brutal arctic winter in reverse.  Numbness is the most common effect of being outside.  Breathing is not easy when your lungs are seared by the air.  We did get another momentary shower this evening that almost cooled things down a bit.  We who live in the south know fully well there is little chance of better weather until September at the earliest.  My hope is still for some tropical storm to come our way in August.  That sounds awful but it is what it is.

I got out in the heat to attend the 90th birthday for one of my favorite people in all of the world.  She was still a spry 80 upon my arrival in town.  Now her residence in a retirement community in our neighboring town.  All of her family gathered to give her a well deserved celebration.  I remember visiting with her during various injuries or ailments both in her house as well as the hospital.  Seems like nothing keeps her down for long.  Our church gave her a recognition day upon learning she would be moving closer to family.  What was going to be a small thing turned out to be quite the party.  I remember her farewell speech during that service.  She remains a model for anyone who wants to understand how to grow old with grace.  I think the secret of her youthfulness is in her ability to laugh.  It's the type of laugh that you remember because of its volume and sincerity.  My hope would be to attend her 100th should we both last that long.

Tomorrow begins another week.  May we not yield to the tyranny of the urgent or the hectic.  We may not be able to control all that happens but we can remain open to God regardless of the times.  I hope we all find the joy of life as we keep our eyes fixed on the eternal prize. 

Bro. Trey