We are on the edge of another exciting week. At least that is what we can tell ourselves at the close of the weekend. Not every week is as exciting as my last one. But you can never be sure that God may have something up His sleeve to surprise or even amaze us. Some people seem as if they have God all figured out. I know that scripture gives us a good view of His character but even God seems to enjoy some mystery about Him. We know what He is like but we may not always know what He may or may not do. This is why we constantly look to Him for guidance as we live. Someone once said that none of us know the will of God for all of our life. Our hope of living with fullness remains in that connection He offers us on a daily basis. God may indeed be everywhere at anytime but that does not always mean we stay close to Him.
You may feel such a closeness at times yet also experience a distance in the relationship. Sometimes we are to blame for this. We allow our spiritual disciplines to drift until our heart cools toward Him. Just know there are other occasions when that sense of isolation may be God calling you to a new depth with Him. Spiritual growth always includes some of both. I always suggest that people read though the Psalms in order to grasp either of these emotions. You will find passages where the writer declares a closeness to God that may seem foreign to us. You will find other times when the writer cries out to regain that relationship that is cooled off for whatever reason. Building a life with God is not unlike any other relationship. Very seldom will it be all or nothing. We live the majority of our days somewhere in the middle as we discover more about ourselves and about Him. Sounds much like how we live with others.
Being around Jesus doesn't seem very boring for those original followers. They never knew from one day to the next what just might happen. One day could lead to some eternal insight as Jesus teaches them and others about God. Another day might see some unexpected miracle as He heals those with physical and spiritual issues. There were many days when all seemed great as they moved among the crowds eager to see or hear Jesus. You also recall the times toward the end when tensions with other religious leaders raised some anxiety about their future much less His. Why would we begin to think our relationship with Him would be mundane or boring? God's active presence in our life means you never know what a day or a week might bring. We really can sit on the edge of our next adventure.
My view is we may prefer some sameness in our relationship with God rather than move toward the edge. I think people view their life as out of control so they choose to set limits on spiritual life. We know what we believe and that should be enough. Just remember that this is God we are talking about. He is not tame nor always safe. His word to us may be dangerous in one way or the other. Just ask people like Abraham, Moses or even Paul. Also remember that as these and others follow God's will they discover far more about Him than those who waited out any disruption to life. The same will be true of us as we open our mind and heart to Him. Life is an adventure to be sure. But maybe God's activity in our life will make it one to celebrate and not manage.
Bro. Trey
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