
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Talking about the holidays is usually enjoyable.  Christmas just consumes all of our energy and focus for several months.  Television commercials for the big day start running sometime in September.  The first day of November seems to be when all of the advertising kicks into high gear.  I am grateful that my youngest still gets into the whole spirit of the season.  He made a gift list for both of us last night.  You have to give him credit for finding his catalog to be sure his wish list was spelled just right.  My list includes ties along with some video games that really are not something I desire.  But it was still fun watching him write it all down so it can hang on the refrigerator.

We tend to avoid talking about anything negative but this will not stop it from being a reality.  Some families may actually dread the day from having to spend time with people they would rather give a lump of coal.  I wonder at times how many people have a "grinch" or two in their family circle.  We don't often admit that we do but it happens.  There will be an individual or even several who just drain our holiday spirit simply by being present.  Do not think that I am making light of this happening.  Real pain occurs around far too many houses during this season.  Some families are so fractured that the added stress eventually reaches a breaking point.  Harsh words will be exchanged instead of warm greetings.  How do we spend time with people such as this without becoming bitter among the lights and the warmth of Christmas?

I was reading in Psalms yesterday afternoon.  People here know that my habit is to pick up a few of these to read on a regular basis.  God seems to always speak to me as I let the words find their way into my heart.  Psalm 59 opened up to me as a guide for handling difficult people.  Many of these songs or poems of David give us real practical help in many areas of life.  In this Psalm, he writes of being under attack from those who wish him real harm.  He says that he knows this is not due to any evil in his life.  None of this behavior is his fault so he takes the burden to God.  What he writes will give us some help in our struggles.

Be sure that your heart is open and honest to God.  Can you honestly say that how others act toward you is not due to your sinfulness?  It very well may be possible that you are innocent.  Just never forget to bring your life to God before you point fingers at others.  Also, realize you cannot change others by yourself.  One huge mistake we often make is thinking we have some power to change others.  Only by God's grace will another person be made whole.  So stop adding that extra burden to your issues.  Then keep God's goal in focus as you move along.  His purpose is to use negative people to deepen your character.  David will say that his joy is in God despite the conflict around him.  That is when you know you are maturing in life.  When your joy is just as constant no matter the conditions then you are living with the right focus.  You will be able to be whole even if others threaten to work against God's purpose in you.

You will never be free from those who are a detriment to your spiritual health.  But be sure that you are never without all of God's resources to bring you into a greater joy.  Learn this and you will receive a gift that lasts long after Christmas. 

Bro. Trey