There are some sermons that are easier to deliver than others. Anytime you talk about stuff that can be measured or weighed it becomes far simpler to make your points. Topics like praying, bible study, going to church and such can come down to suggesting an appropriate amount of activity. Anyone can pick a particular number to suggest for any of these activities to fit the message. But what happens when the sermon is less easily valued in terms of being busy? Most people struggle listening much less talking about such ideas. We want a measuring stick to know how we are doing. Usually we look for that number so we can either feel good about our efforts or feel better than what another may be doing. The message this morning was one of those that defies the usual grade for our busyness. After all, how do you really measure love?
John 21 is the familiar story of the conversation between Jesus and Simon Peter. Three times the disciple is questioned about his heart toward his Lord. Out of all of the things Jesus could press this failed follower about He chooses to ask about his heart. It is amazing that Jesus didn't just fire Peter from his post. He does not elevate another of the disciples to take his place. Jesus chooses to restore this wayward disciple by taking him to another level of faith. What we wouldn't give to have that same grace extended toward us? But be sure this restoring does not come easy or cheap. Peter will have to deal with the most sensitive issue of humanity. He will come face to face with his own selfish heart. Simply doing more religious stuff is easy compared to this type of confrontation. Just know you cannot really go deeper in your faith without it though.
We need this conversation with God at various places in our journey. Sometimes we need it because we stop being real in our faith. It becomes more comfortable to protect what we have rather than let God stretch us. There are times we need such an event when we hold onto past hurts until they damage both our present and our future. It is even possible for us to decide we know all we need to know in our spiritual life. Our life stops being surprised by the discoveries God has for us. Some people get too independent in thinking they can do this religious stuff without God's help. That sounds peculiar but it happens more than you realize. We know what is to be done so we just set out without any thought to whether or not God wants to do a new thing. What rests at the core of all of this is we fail to love God in light of His grace. Now we seldom reach a point where we do not desire God's blessings. What happens is we forget to want His heart as well. Jesus reminds Simon Peter that the one non-negotiable is to let the heart stay in touch with Him. How is it that the one thing that matters so much to Jesus is so far down the list for us? Maybe this is why we fall so short of being God's people.
There is no simple formula for repairing this problem. You have to make time to be alone with God to take Him seriously. You may find it painful as the divine presence works its way in your heart and mind. This is much more than simply suffering in pain. God gets really real in your heart to make the needed changes. But always take comfort knowing He does this so you can grow even more in the journey. God can use you in so many ways beyond your expectation should you allow Him the freedom to operate. Simon Peter would deliver a sermon just a month removed from this conversation. Over 3000 people would become followers of Jesus that one day. That doesn't happen unless he is willing to go through the examination of his heart. Isn't the broken heart well worth it compared to any blessings that follow? Only you can answer that question.
Bro. Trey
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