Getting old has some benefits. It also has drawbacks. Today is one of those times that includes both aspects of aging. My memory was once a strong suit of mine. Now it seems as if notes are required to remind me of where other notes are with what they are for. Our church is hosting an academic meet among schools in our district today. My daughter will come home from Baylor tonight to help out tomorrow. But my brain kept telling me that our church would be open tomorrow and not today. I woke up this morning to discover my memory failed me. We now have students from various schools in the building. It really is a fun day and a highlight for me. These are kids who are smart enough to compete in academics. Perhaps they can loan me some brain cells to use.
I was gone during part of all this going on here. We went out to our nearby community to serve the Lord's Supper to those who cannot get to church any longer. This was not totally my idea I can confess. But it is a great thing to do with others. Some of my favorite people do not get out to church for various reasons now. So we set out with packets to share this time in their homes. I read some scripture then we took Communion together. My hope is this can be as meaningful to them as it is to me. All of them once sat in our building every Sunday. Most of them gave a heritage of faith that remains in the congregation. It is my honor to share this significant moment with them. We will return in two months to receive a blessing from those we get to serve.
Now it is time to wrap up a few projects while waiting on potential storms. Spring can get rough with the outbreaks of wild weather to be sure. It seems a bit like waiting on the judgement day. You know it's coming but being ready is your decision. Spring storms are unpredictable in nature. No one can tell you exactly when it is coming or how bad it may be. But being ready in our spiritual life is built on truth straight from God. You can be sure of God's blessing both now and then in your journey. Nothing can separate us from that grace of God that sees us through times good and bad. Just use the time you have now to get ready. No umbrella will be any help should you fail to be ready.
Bro. Trey
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