I think Memorial Day is one of those significant holidays we overlook far too much. This isn't just about church attendance but about the whole reality of what it means. I cannot begrudge those who get out for recreation of the weekend. Part of me would like to do just that but I won't. Maybe aging brings out the meaning of the day. Perhaps some of this is due to a greater appreciation for our history as a country. We miss a huge portion of our heritage when we just see this as an occasion for a long weekend. Summer gets underway with this weekend. That gets more of the attention than the actual reason for the observance.
Four years ago my Memorial Day weekend was spent in Washington D.C. That really set my mind toward taking time to reflect. You cannot spend that time roaming about the various memorials without having a change in attitude. A person would just have to be completely cut off from any reality to not sense a shift in mind or heart. Our high school band played at the World War 2 site one day. You are surrounded by flags and other reminders of how many gave their lives for our country. We also viewed the other areas dedicated to wars of our past. My personal history is with the Vietnam conflict. Those old news films are etched in my memory. We are still recovering from that awful history. Just passing by the wall of the fallen in Vietnam is enough for anyone to stop and think. I also spent time in the Smithsonian Museum watching those old news reels one afternoon. Every single American should spend time wandering around those memorials to keep that sense of perspective.
We also traveled through Arlington Cemetery. Row upon row of our fallen soldiers take up the view from any area of the grounds. Markers are set up for those who were famous to names that perhaps only a few know. I stood for awhile watching the guard change at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. To see it in person is beyond amazing. No one says a word while this happens. Reverence is another word to refer to the atmosphere in those moments. You realize that piece of our planet is a remarkable and solemn place. There is no way for me to describe that scene to do it justice. Those are all moments that will remain lodged in my mind forever.
Memorial Day matters. It isn't just about being out on the lake but it involves our very freedoms. That may sound old fashioned to be sure but it is still true. May we just take a moment and be grateful for those who gave all.
Bro. Trey
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