Most blog posts on this night refer to the sounds of fireworks going off in the distance. The same is true on this evening. We celebrate the 4th of July by exploding stuff all around us in celebration. It may well be money that is better spent elsewhere but where is the fun in that? My youngest surely enjoyed our show behind the house. There is a set budget but I do try to buy all there is for that amount. My goal is to get several fireworks that rise high into the evening then follow with bright colors cascading all around. Even some of the neighbors seem to watch what we do here. Don't tell anyone but it is one of my favorite nights of the year. Count me as thinking it as money well spent.
We celebrate all types of special occasions. A holiday like this one is no exception. Families gather around to cook out, swim or other stuff they enjoy. We did some swimming today prior to the show. My body is quite weary now. Catching or helping my son swim is a workout unto itself. He has no idea just how big he is. I do. Thank goodness much of my growing up years was spent in a pool learning how to swim. Imagine about 170 pounds shooting down the pool slide while expecting me to get to shallow water. That is an exercise few would wish to do on any regular basis. What matters is he enjoyed the time immensely. How my body aches in the morning is not even on his mind.
One can hope we mark this day with some degree of remembrance of the meaning. History says that probably will not happen. We are most fortunate to live in this country. It is still the best one that I know. That is not an arrogant comment but one that is heartfelt. Ours is a time of deep conflict and division. Some will tell you that it's never been this bad before. You may be surprised this condition is not new. Even our earliest days at our founding were times of great debate. Then we see the literal battles of the Civil War. What is amazing is how we stay together even when opinions vary wildly. Keep that in mind the next time someone tells you these are the darkest days. We are a country known by serious issues. That is not a novel idea. Let us hope and pray we continue to keep our hearts in line with God for all of His blessings. That is being the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Bro. Trey
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