The middle. That's where we spend most of our time in life. Extremes come and go but the middle remains fixed in time. It does not define us but it can diagnose where we are and where we are going. People write a lot about the highs or the lows but not many give serious thought to that area between. Even though we measure our value by success or failure we seldom imagine this vague place being of great importance. Maybe we don't like to think much about the middle. If we own up to its reality then we have to make conscious choices about who we are. You may conceive of it as that flawed answer we give others when they ask how we are doing. We usually say, "fine." That is the middle.
It's not a place with bright sunshine with clouds peppering the sky with white wisps. Neither is it the full blast of a cold, wintry rain. My mind sees the middle as kind of a blue/gray color. It's drab. No one sets out to be drab or dull but that is what it is. You feel it in your bones when it's quiet. Everything just seems listless. You may have your own set of ideas about the middle. Maybe you are a person who crashes through it to either flame out in emotion or settle down in the blues. A healthy person will recognize it as a real time while moving in one direction or the other. That is often up to us.
Life is not about the extremes. Some will use their energy seeking only the highs in order to sail along on the waves of happiness. You may know others who carry about that dark, cold idea that our world will never be any different much less better. God promises to be with us in the extremes. He is our joy that sets our heart into songs which burst at our heart. He also comes to us when gloom is our constant shade. But when we meet God in the middle is when we find our greatest power. He calms the soul that is flaming out in the hunt for the high. He lifts our spirit when all else around us fails. He knows where we are somewhere in between.
To discover God as a unyielding presence sets our life in motion. There may be days when He seems to let us soar to heights never imagined. We will have other days when He just keeps nudging us to living water. That is who He is. Jesus performs amazing miracles during His sojourn with us. He speaks wondrous truths to those with ears to hear. He also spends time just walking or visiting or just doing stuff we call the middle. It's His presence that changes everything. Perhaps you can sense Him making a difference right where you are now. It makes the middle matter more than you can know.
Bro. Trey
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