
Sunday, January 13, 2013

A single virus disrupted all of my plans for writing on Friday night.  It wasn't a medical bug but one in the computer.  Let me just say that I hate those.  This one was doing a real number on me until I got through to get it eliminated.  Most of my evening was spent clicking or trying to get ahead of the virus.  My idea for writing actually seemed to be a decent one for a change.  Now it is simply forgotten.  We are left to trudge through this post instead.

Here are a few things learned over the last few days or weeks.

  • One never gets used to the wild reversals of East Texas winter weather.  Nothing says winter more than going from one extreme to another in a few hours.
  • Learning really is a lifelong process.  If you ever think you arrive then you may check to be sure you aren't lost.
  • Coffee is truly a good gift of God.  I went awhile without morning coffee while ill.  Now it is again my morning staple to start the day.
  • Friends and family are essential to making through any difficult times.  You really can learn who those people are when at your worst. 
  • Scripture is not solely for our entertainment.  It comforts, challenges and confronts you to grow in every season of life.
  • Doctors are not infallible.  The more they specialize affects their vision on whatever ails you.  Push them.  Question them.  Work with them to be sure of their efforts.
  • Laughter does matter.  The person who can't laugh with others or at self is the person that is missing something special. 
We could add more but it may be wise to save the rest for another day.  There may be another time when the writing ideas do not flow so freely.  Perhaps tomorrow will be a much better day for something fresh to express. 

May we all find God's new path while walking with Him daily.

Bro. Trey