Depression. Just the sound of that word sends a chill through us. Some see it as a weakness in a person. Others know it as an ongoing reality in their life. A few will call it sin. Other people simply do not know how to cope. The word covers many levels of how it affects us. A mild depression is something those who suffer from it do not recognize. Count me as one of those who experiences depression in multiple ways. Let me explain.
My brain is broken. What that means is the usual chemicals to keep depression at bay do not always cooperate together. I bet it's something given me at birth. My view is it is much the same as any other illness that plagues us. Treating it with medicine was a huge help. There was at least some way to explain my being crazy. But my brain also doesn't think clearly at times. This is not medical but personal. Sometimes it really is sinful. I admit that. Other times it may just be bad habits learned over life. This is again sinful on occasion but it is also spiritual as it calls attention to the need for growth. It is something that can be controlled if not overcome with God's help. Thankfully it is kept under wraps for the most part.
I write this for two reasons. The first reason is it's easy for believers to add guilt to their depression of that of another person. Some tell another that it is all sinful without knowing we add guilt to a mind in need of healing. Can we be a bit more careful before throwing around our diagnosis? Even if a depression is sinful we can avoid adding to the problem. The second reason is that I went through a black hole of depression while ill in November and December. I honestly do not recall ever being bombarded so much by darkness as I was then. Some was medical due to medications since dropped. Some was physical due to the effects of illness and the above drugs. Some was indeed spiritual as God needed to get my attention on some issues. It was all painful beyond words.
The point of this is you can find your way out. Never be afraid of seeking medical help for depression the way you would for any ailment. It may only be temporary. You may find out it becomes part of your life. A diabetic would not resist treatment so why should one who is depressed? Never, ever leave God out of the equation. My best advice is to absorb the Psalms daily. You find every range of human emotion there. You also find the bigness of God in any given moment. Never feel like you need to face this alone. Find a friend you can be brutally honest with about how you feel. Get someone who will listen without judgement. Lean on someone to pray for you when you do not have the strength. Let all of those bad feelings out before they devour you.
We will stop here. It's obvious that an unknown amount of pages are written on this topic. My few paragraphs are just a core summary of my views. Perhaps we will write more later on this. Now let's just commit to praying intently for any who suffer this illness.
Bro. Trey
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