My life lately is much like most people. It is hectic and a bit off. The only reason for saying that is to let it be known even the life of a minister can run off the tracks. My favorite daughter is still in Europe for college. She returns home in about a month. I got to talk to her tonight on the phone. She was packing for the weekend in Paris. Don't most people just go to France for the weekend? Words will never capture just how proud I am of her. Going to Europe is on my bucket list but it may never get any further than that. There is no way her life can be the same after this adventure.
My favorite son turns 17 on Friday. We started the countdown a few months ago. Every day includes about 100 or more comments from him on the big day. He already has plans for the day including where to eat and what to buy. Our whole week is one huge celebration for him. Here is where most of my time and attention are going this week. He will have a party at school tomorrow followed by the big day outing. Part of my mind is on his sister overseas. Another part of my mind is being taken over by a birthday. I lost the rest of it.
Kids are great. One of the few highlights of my career is in spending time with children on various levels. There are even times when some child stopped by to see if I could come out and play! My birthday may say my youth is a distant memory but the kids keep coming. One of my duties seems to be having several at one time rummaging around the office after Wednesday night stuff. Tonight had four young girls hanging out while waiting for their rides. One of the girls is four years old so her curiosity is endless. She asked about a wood drawing I have of Jesus laughing. It is a favorite of mine. My response was that it is Jesus from the bible. She gave it some thought then told me that He looks weird! It goes without saying that the preacher in me saw a perfect occasion to reflect on that comment to make a point. You cannot afford to miss out on a priceless exchange with a child.
Does Jesus look weird? I am sure that He did to those who expected a radical, political savior and got a sacrifice for sin. He probably looks weird to those who do not take the time to read or consider His story. Jesus seems to look weird to the elitists who want everyone to tone down their faith in the misguided notion of freedom. They want some strange understanding of freedom while putting down the very faith that leads to it. Maybe Jesus looks weird to those who anticipate seeing Him in the lives of His followers. They look for the grace He displays in the gospels only to see those who claim Him living an ugly life. We fail to laugh with joy. We miss out on being merciful to those who need it. We become the worst examples for what should be the best experience of life. How weird is it that we who sing and talk about the greatness of Jesus should live small lives? It seems very weird to me.
Bro. Trey
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