
Sunday, April 07, 2013

I keep promising myself to do better with writing.  Those good intentions yet again lead to you know where.  Most of us tend to get into a routine that is either difficult or doesn't motivate us to change.  Not even writing a blog can change that.  Making excuses really does bug me.  You can include finding excuses in that category.  Finding someone or something to blame really is one of the most popular things most of us do.  Nothing is ever our fault or there is a reason for our behavior.  So let me just say any blog absence is completely my fault.  There really is no explanation other than that. 

Baseball season is now in full swing.  Count me as one of those weird types that enjoys the game.  I made sure to watch as much from Opening Day as possible.  Football is probably the primary sport now in our country.  But few things can equal that first home game of the year in baseball.  The best celebration was probably at Dodger Stadium.  Sandy Koufax returned for the first time in quite a few years to the field.  He is arguably one of the greatest pitchers in the game's history.  Watching the scene as he came onto the field honestly made the hair on my arms stand up.  You could hear and see the crowd just explode upon hearing his name announced.  Not a bad way to begin a new season.

Baseball also means it is spring which means it is time for allergies.  Nothing says spring like a sinus infection.  Going to the doctor is a different reality for me now after two major health scares.  I now take all of the medicine while keeping an eye on side effects.  This was not always the case.  You will not be surprised to learn that my previous experiences ended up with me knowing better than the doctor.  Humility is now part of my process with the medical field.  I still ask questions but will follow up by doing as told.

I say all of that as a reminder of our topic this morning.  What are we supposed to do now that Jesus is alive?  He gives the answer by telling those first disciples how to move forward and not fall behind.  You really need a healthy dose of peace to go on.  You know as well as I how life can be difficult so God's peace will keep us calm no matter the conditions.  Being able to celebrate the presence of God goes a long way in living.  Not only does God offer peace but He will actually envelope us with His presence.  We learn to listen to Him as he guides us.  We recognize Him from scripture and time alone praying.  Humility grows alongside our confidence in Him.  Excuses lessen as we experience Him in the real areas of life.  After all, is where you are with God enough if it is not where He wants you to be?

Bro. Trey