
Sunday, October 27, 2013

It always comes down to Monday for me.  It is the best and worst of days to paraphrase Charles Dickens.  Monday.  Everyone has it on their calendar.  Many dread its appearance each week.  The day is not quite the same since more and more people work odd schedules.  But it does still all come down to Monday.  Right now my body aches while my mind is a bit of a blank.  I am pretty sure that is part of the natural progress of aging.  Sunday evenings are a good time to think little and to move less.  Reality is that Monday is still coming.

Everything done last week in preparation is now a thing of the past.  Next week is a blank slate awaiting a new set of ideas and ministry.  There is a worship service to plan.  I already have a list of people to try and see.  Many pastors already know what next Sunday will bring for the sermon.  My approach is not nearly as well planned out.  It's as if the boulder made it almost to the top of the hill only to roll back again to the bottom.  That is not a cause for depression.  It is no excuse for discouragement.  Perhaps the best way to describe it is a numb feeling.  I still have Monday.

Mondays get a bad reputation more times than not.  Emotions of dread start creeping in that we have to start all over again in the morning.  Could it be we look at that day completely wrong?  Monday is a time of new beginnings.  It is the occasion for a brand new adventure.  It greets us without trampling or wearing down.  God meets us on Monday just as He does on any other day of the week.  That one fact makes all of the difference in the world.  He is always there taking all of the good or bad of the past to make it work to His best.  Our best option is to repent over the wrong then walk in the new blessing of the Spirit.  There is nothing you will face that God cannot handle much less control.  Tomorrow is yet another Monday.  Just remember that God is in your now as well as your then. 

Bro. Trey