Beginning to write tonight seems a struggle. There is no single concept running through this old mind to even consider. My guess is this says more about me and my mind than anything else. It also bugs me that there are more than a few blog posts complaining about this very same thing. You would imagine that if one writes as an outlet there would be a little more creativity involved. No one will ever mistake me for one of those gifted artists in word or thought. Let me restate the obvious. This is just a plain old simple blog written by someone who hopes to get it right on occasion. At this rate I would settle for once per year?
Christmas is the obvious place to turn during these days. But that single word seems to take in more than we really embrace. What we do leading up to the big day will determine so much of how we celebrate it. This holiday is a recognition of what God does by coming to our world through Jesus. I type that last sentence somewhat easily but there is no way to capture all it means. God who created all is the person who comes to earth in Jesus. Everything changes because of that one fact. All of the Old Testament prepares us for that occasion. All of the New Testament describes how life changed because of that one evening in Bethlehem. We live our life in a far different fashion because God didn't settle for being a casual observer. He is committed to His creation.
Mainline congregations use the Advent season to prepare the heart for Christmas. We do some of that here also. Making this observance part of our days is one way to let our heart be ready for Christmas. But this isn't about being prepared for a day but being ready to do business with God. So much of what we go through leading up to the holiday runs against the grain of who Jesus is and was. We worry about finances when He preached to the poor. We allow our hurts to have the last word instead of receiving His joy. We get cross with others when the message is one of peace and goodwill to men. Just buying presents or planning a menu is not nearly enough to be ready for the celebration.
Reading scripture related to the Christmas story is one way to prepare. Praying for an open or joyful heart would go far to settle our moods. Forgiving even those who do the most damage to our emotions would be tremendous for being ready. Giving as much as spending would free you from the cold grasp of money issues. Listening to others or being sensitive to needs would make for a greater blessing than any present. You may not get all you want for Christmas but you can play a role in others getting what they need. That might be enough to make your Christmas merry and bright.
Bro. Trey
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