Tonight will be more of a rant than a blog post. A soapbox is not one of those things that I get on very often but an exception is made this evening. Nor is there any expectation that my frustration will lead to any real progress. Mine is simply another voice crying in the wilderness that goes unnoticed. This is also going to be a topic of frequent notice here. So let me just lay all of that out at the beginning.
Blogs come in all shapes and sizes. Some writers become well known as they show creative and intriguing talent at writing. Other places tend to be more critical than others. Maybe a better way to say it is some blogs point out the real shortcomings of whatever field they write about. It is when reading the reports of Christian leaders that I wonder what on earth is wrong with us. We are doing a fine job of really making a mess of a simple faith. It seems that some churches or movements are becoming all about the leader rather than the Savior. Other writers borrow from works without giving credit where credit is due. Then people take to the blogosphere to blast anyone who dares to question their behavior. Churches become a secret society rather than an open book. We are doing a fine job hiding the truth rather than spreading it.
It is in the movie, The Devil's Advocate, that Satan comes in human form to tempt a lawyer with all manner of vice. He reminds the viewer at the end of the film that pride is still his greatest tool. A person need not be famous to wrestle with pride. Even the average churchgoer can be caught in its grip. But even one who seems more mature in faith of leadership gets trapped by it as well. Ministers may write books, appear on television or other media or build large congregations but still be in peril from pride. It is now common place for such a person to hide the salary, gather people who only say yes, or lash out an any person who dares to bring a question. All of this just saddens and then angers me. I often wonder what our future will be at this rate.
Do not imagine that pride isn't an issue for me. Being in a small town rather than being famous does not protect me from the subtle sin. I have no books. There is no television ministry. Speaking engagements in other well known congregations just doesn't happen here. But pride will always be a struggle for any of us who fully engage in ministry. My priority peeve is that Jesus left us with a message of grace and openness. Nothing in His words even remotely suggest an agenda of self. Even the poorest in spirit are promised the greatness of the Kingdom. May we be more desperate for Him than we are wrapped up in the recognition of others.
Bro. Trey
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