
Wednesday, May 07, 2014

The month of May is striking with a vengeance.  I am writing this post with a headache from just trying to keep up so far.  This is once again not a complaint but a fact of life.  There is something almost everyday already on the calendar for the month.  A free weekend will not happen until Memorial Day.  Don't read that I am complaining as it's almost fun to go charging through the days.  Lulls do happen in ministry that makes it harder to concentrate.  Perhaps my headache is from thinking too much?

Two meetings are behind me but there is still a wedding next week to lead.  We cannot leave out just the normal duties as dad around the house.  My son and I did go to prom last weekend which was a blast.  He loved having his photo taken for posterity.  I leave in two days for Waco to help my daughter pack and load for the summer.  Thank goodness for my baseball team which keeps me entertained by what they say and what they do.  Sitting on my desk is the research for this Sunday.  Time demands that everything is moved up a day so I can depart in some peace.  Tired is what I am just after reviewing all of this.  So let me make a point here.

Some constantly are running in the rat race.  As someone said, if you win the rat race you are still a rat.  Compare that to the life of Jesus.  He never seems hurried or pressured by the demands of His task.  Ever notice that even when the schedule got a little hectic that He would walk away to be alone?  Jesus understood the need to stop what you are doing to keep your focus on the eternal agenda.  He refuses to get pushed into things outside of that divine purpose.  He lives that great life on God's terms and not of those who were seeking their own approval.  Do not think that He was not busy at times because He was.  But never mistake that activity as something out of control.  Jesus refuses to let life be so demanding it spins wildly out of its groove.

You may find there are times when you absolutely have to stop what is going on to regain focus on why you are here. If hiding away for a short time was good for Jesus then imagine what it can do for you.  But it is also true you may have to move to a higher gear for a duration.  That is understandable as part of life.  Just avoid forfeiting your health on the altar of being busy.  Go for that walk or run.  Sit quietly with your eyes closed until the universe stops spinning.  Make sure you write out a calendar or schedule so you can balance your tasks.  You may discover ways to juggle everything without it consuming you.  Live according to your strengths whatever they may be.  Never let the craziness nudge you from being who God is making you.  None of this may be easy or simple but it is nonnegotiable.  I look forward to June when it slows down some.  But these are divine days also.  Let your heart and mind be surprised by God as you run ragged.  That is when you can really celebrate your world.

Bro. Trey