
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Captain's Log VBS Date 2007.2

VBS is moving smoothly along on its second day. Our attendance went up 13 today over yesterday. There are 78 boys and girls in classes throughout the building. This is a huge leap over the last few years attendance. We have them in all shapes and sizes here. We also have at least 3 ethnic groups mixed together to have fun and learn. If my numbers are correct, there are 21 in the first and second grade alone! We are genuinely thanking God for these numbers. You never know when you open the doors on day one how many will actually show up. We are truly blessed to be a part of this special week.

Vacation Bible School is one of my favorite weeks of the year. It truly is a laboratory of how church operates. All our workers are volunteer. My salary doesn't get any higher during VBS. Some of these people worked over 40 hours a week the last two weeks to prepare. Some have jobs they will go to when the classes end today. These are living examples of being a "living sacrifice" for God this week. Some are teaching lessons. Some are leading music. Some are guiding the recreation. Some are helpers that travel from class to class with the students. We always have wonderful volunteers who stay busy in the kitchen making snacks for the kids and workers. There is no way possible for me to adequately thank each one for their giving.

Church isn't supposed to be hard. VBS reminds us that it is people just doing their best with what God gives them. Not all of us are singers. Not all of us are teachers. But all of us are something. We are "His workmanship" created for amazing works as God works in us. My heart rejoices when His people are busy about His business. My prayer is the cooperation we see during VBS will continue to develop in our daily life. Thank you to all our workers for an amazing week!

Bro. Trey