
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Most of my time is taken up with solving the theological conundrums of the cosmos. Some of my time is interacting with the neuroses of people who struggle with life's realities. Another part of my time is in trying to find ways to guide people into better living. One way of describing that part of the work is that it is like herding cats. Then there is my so called normal life of fatherhood. When all of that is out of the way then I enjoy reading mystery novels. Nothing is better for an escape than a thrilling whodunit type of writing. There is quite a collection of works on my shelves. Most of these books are by favorite authors with familiar characters. It is relaxing to get into the mind of the lead actor in these books to match wits with them. Sometimes I can even find the answer to the mystery before the writer spells it out. Sometimes it takes me to the end of the book to solve the mystery. It is still a great way to unwind without leaving the house.

All of that is to say that when we think about love we can find it quite the mystery. My recent review of the biblical material of love does nothing to ease that tension. Do you realize that God loves us even when He knows we will fall short? Did it ever occur to you that His words on forgiving others is healthy and not just hard? Can you even begin to imagine just how much real love went into the experience of the cross? It really is a mystery as to how God in all His bigness chose to love humanity. You and I receive this incredible love in our lives even while we still consistently fail.

We may never be able to wrap our mind around this concept of God's love. The good news is we don't have to succeed at it. We are never asked to prepare for some exam on love. Wait. Perhaps we are asked to prepare for an exam. That test will not be on paper with philosophical questions. That test will come in our lives now and later. The question is not did we grasp it with our mind. The issue is did we take it to our heart. Just remember this exam is simply pass or fail. I hope you get the answer right now.

Bro. Trey