Yes, we missed our blog posting for yesterday. Life just got in the way of my best intentions. But at least we have some longer posts last week to make up for the one that I missed. My youngest and I did our usual Saturday routine. It was just us two guys around the house this weekend. He got his new games while I just drove him around. I did make the time to do more reading on the topic of love in the New Testament. There was also laundry crying out for my attention. The night just got away from me until it was too late to blog.
We don't even need to go into today's events. But as you can imagine, we will do just that. The day began about 2 am this morning when my beloved son decided it was time to wake up. He does that from time to time. One of his unique qualities is he occasionally pulls an all nighter. The only problem is that he drags me into those nights. I dozed some after that but never really rested. That was only an ominous foreshadowing of what would come later.
He and I got to church at a relatively decent hour today. The only problem was he disappeared on me after Sunday School! I still do not know where he went but he did turn up eventually. He did of course make his appearance just before the service ended. There is nothing that can help me end a service faster than him entering the sanctuary and prancing around. Now he is finally sleeping. It is quiet here. Needless to say, I am enjoying the quiet.
Today is just one of those days that sometimes happen when you have a special needs child. Perhaps you get weary of hearing about some of the struggles. I suppose I cannot blame you if you do. It might be best if we cut down on this topic here. I just know that I cannot apologize for some of the side effects that come with such a son. As someone said once, "It is what it is." He is as much a reason for who I am as my relationship with God. We really do not live in isolation no matter how much we may be a loner. We are still very much a product of our relationships including the one I hope you have with God.
My prayer for you is that this week those relationships draw you closer to God. Even when those people in your life nudge you the wrong direction, my hope is you draw near to God. Don't let the negative events or people in your world keep you from the very best God has for you. That will make it a great week no matter what time you awaken.
Bro. Trey
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