
Friday, February 27, 2009

Welcome to the weekend. At least two people in my house are very excited over the break from school. Can't say that I blame them one bit. It seems that the closer we get to the end of school that the schedule gets increasingly hectic. There are tests that need taking. There are field trips that crowd out homework time. My hope is they enjoy their brief break. Let's just do some odds and ends here today on the blog. Some may be more odd than anything else but it will be different.

  • Who is this "octomom" and where did she come from? She is everywhere on television now. When will she go back to obscurity? We are a strange society in how we crave information on celebrities. Don't get me wrong, I hope the best for those kids. But can't we get her a channel all her own? It is disconcerting when the news goes from covering a global crisis to the latest nugget on a woman who already has more publicity than is needed.

  • Why is it that buzzards show up at the track when I go to run? This is very eerie. It is as if they are waiting on something to happen to me. It happened again today. I wasn't even into a decent groove when they began circling on the east side of the stands. This cannot be a good sign.

  • How is it that in this economy we tend to spend less to save more yet our government does the opposite? You nor I can get away with running our finances using the same philosophy of the federal government. Let me see if I got this right. The more our congress spends, borrows to run up a greater debt is good for growing the economy? Don't know about you but that seems backward to me.

  • I'm thinking it's about time to make out my "bucket list." That is a recent term that describes the list of things a person wants to do before they kick the bucket. A few ideas are already running through my brain for the list. We will just have to come back to this one later.

  • What happened to winter? My allergies are in overdrive as the trees and flowers start budding. The end of February is way too soon to wear short sleeve shirts. Time is required to get some tanning in order to avoid blinding the masses from pale skin. We didn't even get much hint of snow this time. I'm pulling for a little more cold weather before the summer months heat up.

These are just a few of the things running amok in my brain today. No, they aren't very spiritual. We will return to those deep thoughts soon. Enjoy the weekend. Go to church on Sunday!

Bro. Trey