
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer is about vacation. We already notice a few of our church family being gone during the break from school. You may also notice there was a one week break from blogging. My story is that it was a small sabbatical from writing. Perhaps it is closer to reality to state that posting on this blog got nudged aside by other issues of last week. It just sounds better to say there was a need for a creative sabbatical. It's my hope to return to a regular pattern of writing this week. Maybe someone will notice.

Last week was mostly a time to recover from the wild ride of the last few weeks. It seems that nothing slowed down after my return from Washington. There was the end of school to survive. We went right into VBS. Add to this a death along with the funeral and it begins to add up. It may not be quite as dangerous as some more noted jobs but it can have its moments. So the week was devoted to house duty, fatherhood, and catching up on reading. Seems to me that it was a good week. Now another week lies just beyond the horizon.

My daughter now has her very own car to drive. It sure seems like yesterday we were walking up the steps together for her to start first grade. She is even the proud owner of this fine vehicle. It's about ten years old which is about right for an initial automobile. One drawback is she brought it home tonight but leaves for a school camp tomorrow. There will be two days this week for her to continue the get acquainted process. Then it will be off for a few days of church camp. Wonder if her brother wants to borrow it for some driving lessons?

If you stumble across this blog please know it's downright hot already in Texas. Yes, we get the heat on an annual basis but we are also getting a head start on the dry conditions also. So far there hasn't been any heat illness during my afternoon run/walk. It probably sounds crazy to go in early afternoon to run but there is a plus to it. No one else with any sense joins me or crowds the track while there. The evening runners have to negotiate with moms, kids, and soccer players when getting in the miles. It really isn't so bad to do that. My problem is in forgetting to count or remember the distance while circling the field. There are too many distractions for me to keep count. Yes, it does not take an awful lot to distract me but you get the point. The goal is to at least have some semblance of fitness for my 30Th school reunion next Saturday. Maybe we will ease up some after that.

This should catch us up on last weeks activities or lack thereof. We will return to regularly scheduled programming at least for a time. We probably said a lot of nothing tonight but you needed to chance to know the reason for the break. Next time we will try to be good for something in our writing. Sure beats being good for nothing!

Bro. Trey