
Saturday, September 12, 2009

We held the memorial service this morning for the young father killed three weeks ago in that tragic accident. It was a long process that I can only hope offers some closure to those who attended. The weather was about right for such an occasion. Grey skies opened up to to give way to the rain as we moved along. Maybe it is fitting that this day resembled more of the Mississippi region where the man was born. Maybe those who came can take away both hope but also a desire to live out life to its fullest.

This service was never far from my mind these last three weeks. My role evolved over time but it was a fact that my presence would be an active one. Tomorrow is our day for worship as a congregation. Each time I tried to think through tomorrow's words it seemed that the activity of today took precedence. This could be a good sign for those who attend tomorrow. We may end up with a very short sermon! The main point of saying this revolves around our being open to whatever God may guide us to say in such a time. Two other men spoke after me in the memorial. Their words seemed to weave together with mine to create a composite of one man's life. We each talked from the heart but also from our unique perspectives. It is my honor to share that time with them.

Now we move to the days of a new normal coming to pass. Life for one family can never be the same. My hope is that the memories of yesterday will blend with God's genuine hope for today to create an abundant life for tomorrow. The family is fortunate in their bonds to one another. My prayer is their bond with God will also deepen even as they walk through this valley together. The weight of the day will surely affect me beyond the night. Lessons will be learned upon deeper reflection. Hearts will be healed. The night will give way yet again to morning.

My remarks revolved around the idea that God understands our hurts. He is not immune to our suffering. We look at the cross to grasp that amazing idea of His heart being broken for ours. He does not ignore us in our time of loss. He is not apathetic toward our plight. He is not weak so He cannot offer His power for our weakness. The cross says God took the worst of man on Himself so we could encounter His best. He remains an all-powerful God yet He reveals His incredible heart to those who receive it. The cross says there is nothing that can happen to us that He cannot handle. Our faith is not in a distant deity but in One who gave His life away. He knows life can be as tough as nails. He also knows how to guide us into a new normal defined by His grace. May we discover that not just today but in all the days He gives us.

Bro. Trey