My drivers license says that my age is now 48. It stands to reason that there is no arguing that fact. Normally this reality does not bother me much. My job reminds me that every day is a gift for which being grateful is the norm. Sadly, this truth came to me over the years the hard way. My family history says there is a chance at a healthy life for the time being. This is why it is so important for me to exercise plus try to take care of myself. Some life and death issues may be beyond my control but it seems a bit foolish to up the odds. It's been a long 48 years but maybe the good outweighs the bad.
It's also true that my career in this town lasted quite awhile. This is the beginning of my tenth year in this church. This is the longest that I've lived in one place since my growing up years. In one respect it's been a long time of work here. In another respect it seems as if my boxes were being moved in only yesterday. In the end, it is hard to imagine how long that I ended up staying here.
Church work is very much like life. You have good days and you have bad days. This is true in both my life and my work here. Someday the story may need to be told of all the issues waiting on me upon arrival. There is also a chance all the inner workings of the turmoil will be taken to my grave. A more courageous blogger might say it was due to carnality run amok. My decision is to say that it was human beings just being human. Regardless of how you define the cause it remains that it was a real problem to face in my early days. What would be difficult to imagine would be the ugliness expressed by those who attended church services on a regular basis. Please do not read me as judgemental toward anyone. My years are also marked with more than its share of carnality. This is only my observation over time. It does not excuse me of my own failings.
My hope is the day will come when some understanding is given to me as to why people who claim to know Jesus can do such horrible things. Yes, that statement also includes me in the mix. But how is it some can be so critical or judgemental to others in the light of God's mercy? How is it some can verbally attack others then use that same mouth to claim to be wanting the will of God? Why is it too many churches settle to blame others or situations for their own lack of devotion? The answer has many facets but the same root. We still tend to want what we want and will not let anyone get in our way. In other words, we are still capable of sin even when thinking we are spiritual.
Having said all of that leaves another area of the last nine years to mention. My life is richer because of the good people God brought across my path. I am fortunate to share history here with many remarkable people. Part of the joy of this career is in watching people discover more of God's desire for their life. Sometimes it happens in a young person who says yes to God's grace for the very first time. There are times it happens while sharing a moment with a proud parent. It even happens through the observation of those in the so called golden years of life. There is so much to still learn from others if allowed to take place.
My age says that some of the best days of my life are behind me. No amount of physical discipline repels the aging process. It remains my daily goal to live fully with the days God allows me to live. It could be some of the worst days are behind me here with my work. This leaves room for many good days to follow. It will remain my hope to see more of the positive effects of God in the lives of the congregation. Maybe we will even grow old together.
Bro. Trey
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