
Monday, October 19, 2009

People who know me are aware of my interest in news and politics. It may be that to define it as an interest would be on the mild side. It seems like newspapers caught my eye at an early age. One of the career options of the past included journalism. Some of that urge was met in various forms through the years. You may not know I had a regular column in a small local paper back in the late 90s. It was even picked up on occasion in a larger city paper nearby. The politics issue takes care of itself. I am a baptist so there are great similarities between my job and being a politician. You can never kiss enough babies.

We are now waiting for the great health care debate to move into high gear. It is true that my television stopped on Cspan during the committee meetings. It just seems fascinating to me that we can actually watch Congress craft a bill for a vote. My life is truly lacking for excitement! Right now there are several versions of such legislation floating around. One website just reported that the bill reaches over 1500 pages. Anything that takes that amount of paper to print cannot be totally good. This bothers me because of my personal connection to the issue.

You know if you read here often that my dad is a doctor. My job also takes me into hospitals on a regular basis. You should know that our health care system in this country is stunning with all the breakthroughs in medicine. You should also know that we already struggle with who is really in charge of health care. Some opponents of reform argue against having the government being the determining factor in getting help. What is forgotten in that reasoning is that today it is the insurance company that often decides what you can and cannot receive in terms of assistance. We are also facing the future shortage of rural family practice physicians. My home town once had a great local clinic and hospital at its disposal. You did not have to go to a larger city to see a specialist. The doctors did surgeries, delivered babies as well as staffed an excellent emergency room. That type of care is only a memory along side 8-track tapes.

Change is coming to the health care system. There are those on the left who are determined to establish a system like that often found in Europe. That will not be the answer. There are those on the right who seem opposed to any significant changes from our current method. That is nowhere close to a solution. A single payer system alone will only make our current problems worse. However, we have to face the reality of how big insurance is acting with few limits on the how and when they refuse to authorize treatment. The answer will be found as it usually is somewhere in the middle. Congress has the opportunity to create a plan to benefit all. But it is those same politicians who take in lots of money from either side of the argument. This cannot end well.

What are we to do? As citizens we can and should speak up to those making the decisions. I heard one prominent senator say in a speech that we as people should not and cannot make decisions on what we want without the government telling us what we want. How absurd is that comment? We can also try to take care of ourselves to avoid a disease or injury that we may bring on ourself. Another idea is to remember that all of this along with God's help may offer hope for real change. Scripture tells us to pray often and earnestly for those who make the laws. My hope is that we will do all we can knowing that change is in the wind. We may not like what happens next but we can start being ready for it.

Bro. Trey